The library has 18 rooms available for classes, library instruction, group and individual study, and meetings.
Study Room Reservation Process and Policy:
Students can reserve the study room up to one week in advance using the online booking system or if a room is available on the spot by using Touch PADs.
If the student is unable to attend the reserved room on the booked date, they are requested to cancel their reservation.
The names and IDs of all individuals using a particular room should be listed.
There should be at least 3 students and no more than 6 students in a room at a time.
If fewer than three students occupy a study room, library staff will request that the person(s) move to another study area in the library.
Each reservation is generally valid for two hours.
Study rooms are to be used only for academic related group work or study.
AUM reserves the right to deny access to the study rooms to any student if misuse is observed or suspected and if room is used for other than study.
Study rooms are available 5 days a week, during the library hours.
All rooms must be vacated 15 minutes prior to Library closing, ensuring that all furniture are in their proper placement.
Due to high demanded of the study rooms, reservation duration can be extended only by exception at the circulation desk.
The system will cancel reservation if student doesn’t show up after 15 minutes.
The last person(s) using the room will be responsible for any damages.